Friday, 1 July 2011

Last night's meeting

A great meeting last night. Kevin McCloud led a lively, in-depth discussion of issues surrounding Saxonvale, taking in everything from social housing to the workings of food markets. There was a very high turnout, and the Saxonvale Manifesto (see above) was received very well. Thanks to everyone who bought a copy; you can also download it from this blogsite. A transcript of Kevin's interview/comments on the platform will follow.


  1. Sadly, due to work commitments we were unable to attend the meeting, so we look forward to the transcript. The manifesto endorses what we also think, as owners of an independent pet retail business which has been in the heart of the town, and very close to Saxonvale, for over 20 years and which could very easily be threatened by a large supermarket. That said, the references to the supermarket are often quite abstract, describing it as an entity with powers and we should remember that if it is able to "suck the life away from the town" and draw customers away, this can only be effected by people shopping there - it doesn't happen automatically. How many of us can truly say that we don't use the large supermarkets already in existence? Do we all shop locally at our independent shops for everything we need? The people of Frome must voice their opinions on what they need in good time or else this will simply happen as a fait accompli before we know it - and if a huge supermarket does appear on the site, it will be up to the people of Frome to decide whether or not to use it. In the current recession, there is no way that an independent retailer could compete with such a large outfit on price and this is how small shops could easily close and we will see the "ghost town" appear as described in the manifesto.

  2. Im curious. The development of the land seems to need someone or thing with a lot of money to invest in order for it to happen. I assume that the current owners cant afford or agree to what use the land should be put?

    Isnt this is one of the reasons it has lain unused for so long?

    What other financial juggernaughts are there that would have the interest to develop a town center? If not a big supermarket then what else?

    I hope there are alternatives - wonder what they are?

  3. I attended on Thursday and I found it really interesting, the room was full of Frome enthusiasts who share a passion for this unique town.

    Apologies if this has already been covered, Thursday was my first meeting....

    I would have liked to ask what the sale process is with regards to the current owners. I understand there are 5 owners of which one has a 60% share.

    Are the current owners permitted to sell to whoever they would like or is there anything in place that prevents this?

    Can the 5 current owners sell their own portions separately?

    At what stage would Mendip District Council become involved to consider planning applications?

  4. All - see the background to the application and all the planning documents here - & the land ownership map here -

    Mendip DC have prepared a brief, to which anyone making an application will have to broadly comply.

  5. The Tozers' comment fails to include the fact that there are already 6 supermarkets tow of which are very large. This should figure in our decisions rather than a totally hands off pose

  6. I am very interested in your fight well done. Take a look at this blog. A young couple have decided to eschew supermarkets for a year. Very much a worthy mission.
